Digital Denture

Because your smile deserves the best


In many cases, taking an impression of your teeth and gums can be critical to your dental procedure. Technological advances have now made this procedure not only faster but also more reliable and more comfortable for our patients. No longer do you need to be concerned about trays of go. Instead, all it takes is a scan of your mouth to produce a quick impression.

The various digital denture workflows include different degrees of digitization. Our systems are fully digital, from the patient’s first visit to the laboratory procedures to the finished product. It is a truly digital workflow in the laboratory.


We take care of the dental health of you and your family!

Digital scans at Gustavo Denture & Implant Centre are a great alternative to uncomfortable and messy dental molds. Utilizing innovative technology, we will digitally scan a precise impression to receive an efficient dental restoration in significantly less time.

Dental applications:

  • orthodontics
  • crown & bridge
  • surgical guides
  • dental models
  • custom trays
  • partial dentures

Milling Technology Restorations Created In Our Dental Lab

Milling units take the digital impressions and designs you’ve created to grind or mill precise restorations quickly. Because they’re located chairside directly in your office, you’re able to place your restorations in a single visit. Patients enjoy the speed and instant results, while you keep more procedures in your office.

SPS™ Smart-Positioning-System Technology


Asiga’s unique SPS™ process guarantees every layer is formed accurately. Accurate layer formation is the key to achieving consistently accurate results in any production environment.

Finally, you can say goodbye to the goop, gagging, discomfort, and anxiety you’ve experienced in the past with traditional dental impression materials!

This technology is ideal for fabricating restorations such as new crowns, veneers and fillings for teeth — often possible in one office visit.
It takes less time than traditional dental impressions.

The PRO 4K utilizes the latest DLP imaging technology to achieve the largest print envelope in our range.

Take your CAD/CAM production to the next level with Asiga® 3D Printers, renowned for their innovation, precision, and model surface finish for casting and more.


  416-562-1195 / 647-946-2184